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REMINDER: Nov 17 deadline for SAFETAG Fellowship Grants

Internews is launching a funding pool to diversify and scale SAFETAG across the broader human rights and digital security community. Internews is seeking to fund 10-12 individuals or teams embedded in organizations to customize SAFETAG to meet their needs, conduct SAFETAG-based assessments integrating these customizations, and share these approaches back with the SAFETAG community. Grant amounts are expected to vary based on local costs and scope, but the average grant is expected to be $25,000 USD and approximately 4 months in duration.

Winning applications must support at least two SAFETAG-based assessments of at-risk organizations working with vulnerable or marginalized communities. These assessments should be in parallel with the creation and documentation of customized approaches -- new activities which work better for the applicant's region/community/specific threats and/or a "playlist" of existing (and custom-created or modified) SAFETAG activities which best work for this community. Grantees will be expected to responsibly share the non-identifying context research (e.g. high-level country risk assessments) within the SAFETAG community and to coordinate on peer-training events to share their approach. Following each assessment, the grantee will help the recipient organization develop risk mitigation plans to address weaknesses, and either provide direct support through existing organizational programming or connect the organization to external services, goods, or funding support as needed to address their security vulnerabilities.

Throughout this entire process, the grantee will have ongoing access and mentoring from Internews’ SAFETAG team and access to the combination of skills and implementation expertise of the entire fellowship pool. Internews will work to "match-make" grantees working on similar or related challenges for peer-training opportunities.

Preference will be towards individuals embedded in organizations working in the human rights and digital security space. Individuals may also apply, but the funding mechanism may be different. Winning applications will demonstrate continued post-funding usage of and contribution to SAFETAG as a community project.

Applications are due November 17 and will be evaluated by Internews' SAFETAG team, the SAFETAG Community Advisory Board, and in consultation with SAFETAG funders according to the criteria (and regulations) in the submission form. If funds permit a second round will be opened in 2018.

Please submit your applications via this Google Form

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